Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas 2012

Now that I have arrived in the Gold Coast of Chicago, I shall provide a quick recap of Christmas.

Ping pong with the family and relatives can be described in the following thousand words:

Framing, insulating, and paneling time with my father:

Merry Christmas all!

Saturday, December 22, 2012


As tiring as the first short tour was along the Michigan lake shore, I am admittedly anxious to set out on the next part of this ministry trip.  One thing that has been difficult is waiting for this trip to resume and not be able to commit to or significantly invest in a local church.  However that is for another discussion of it's own.  My primary ministry now (driving around the US sharing the gospel on the disc golf courses) is threefold.

1. For those who have heard and believe: I hope to encourage them in their faith and challenge in them (if they have not already) to utilize their hobbies and interests to invest in people for God's glory.

2. For those who have heard and do not believe: I hope to be a living representation and demonstration of God's love.

3. For those who have not heard:  I hope to share the gospel so that they have the ability to make a decision.

Lord willing, the current plan is to be in Chicago the day after Christmas through the new year shortly followed by a heading of South, to Florida.